BisqueArt Blogger for Blu' Bisque

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While blogging for the Blu' Bisque, I used the 'Author' handle 'bisqueart' after initially using the owner's/my sister's login 'handle' to add blog posts to her business website, to promote the wonderful classes and events taking place there.   Here are images of my former 'BisqueArt' profile page. 

I enjoyed blogging for the Blu' Bisque and sharing the images of my art classes, including the Summer Camp 2014, the images of the other artists' classes, and the special events that took place there!



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3 They should have known that all these things ~ which they took to be gods and delighted in ~
were much less beautiful than the ONE who rules them all. The Creator of beauty itself created them.
Wisdom 13:3 (CEB) In Context Whole Chapter

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